Channel: BBHwithMS

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: A Fantastic Year Of Wins

Happy New Year!!!!!!    It is officially 2019 and I am so freaking excited about what is in store for us in the next year!  To be honest, It is hard to believe it is January 1st, 2019.  It’s hard to imagine that another year has gone by.  But in reflection, I have to say, it […]

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Making My Health My Top Priority

As I shared in last weeks post – it’s been a whirlwind year of achievements, accomplishments, and activities.  I am back to doing things that I honestly didn’t think I would ever do again.  I am feeling relatively healthy, strong, and somewhat confident.  The “some what” because no matter how much I improve, no matter […]

MS & Cannabis: Edibles, Fishing & Writing- Oh My!

Today – I am flared. That is a thing with my MS.  Some days I am just a flare mess.  It doesn’t necessarily mean that I am having a full-blown flare.  It doesn’t mean I did anything wrong or neglected to do something necessary to keep my disease quiet.  Days like these just happen. They […]

Living With MS: A Constant Balancing Act

I’m here….I swear I am here and I am thinking about my blog and all the things that I want to do all the time when we are traveling and I am pimping out my book. I want to write articles telling all about what I have learned over the past two years.  Here it is […]

Multiple Sclerosis & Vision: What MS Does to My Sight

Today I cried.  It was the snots running from my nose, ugly face type of cry. I was mid-walk, it was 36 degrees and pouring rain.  I was at the top of the biggest hill on my neighborhood walk, just yards from Shawn’s ex-wife’s house and instead of feeling strong and accomplished like I usually […]

Multiple Sclerosis & Emotions: Sometimes the Feels Are Good

My oldest child made me cry this past week.  To be fair, he didn’t do anything intentional to initiate what I am now referring to as my “leaky eye syndrome.”  These days, just about anything can set my waterworks off.  I have read it happens to other people with MS – good to know I am […]

MS & Mushrooms

As I continue on my journey to be the healthiest me that I can be, I am constantly on the lookout for additional things that will help my body and my mind continue to heal and work more efficiently.  Fortunately, and unfortunately, the great wide world of the internet puts access to information about possible […]

MS & Cannabis: Recipe for My Medicated Smoothie

I will strive to improve upon my future actions…. As promised, I am here, again, this week!  I am striving to get better about being HERE more, because I am slowly realizing that THIS is something that I should hold in much higher regard than I do.  This blog that I created so many years […]

MS & Cannabis: My Message For Selma Blair

(photo: circa 2009 – location: some campground in the PNW – photographer: Piper S. age 9) The truth is that this is a 10-year-old photo of me…in a bikini, on my Segway… The shameful truth is that I am using it to try and grab your attention… The brutal truth is if you are reading […]

Camp Sunshine – A Cannabis Retreat

Well guys – we have officially gone and done it!   We have purchased a 5 acre piece of property in Sedro Wooley Washington and are currently working on fixing it up.  The plan is  to open a high-end cannabis friendly event facility (think of me as the PNW’s Martha Stewart of Cannabis) where we can […]

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